The school has a dedicated center working for students’ well-being and good mental health. Our goal is to build a safe environment that is empathetic and responsive to student needs. The faculty encourages and motivates students to stay active and have a good diet to boost their mental health.
The center also conducts various activities, workshops, and programs for students to discuss their mental health problems. Professional counselors on campus guide and support our students in their journey of well-being. They help students deal with interpersonal and intrapersonal communication problems and help them gain a different perspective on their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Special care is taken for the physical well-being of our students. Daily physical activities, exercises, a healthy diet, yoga, and meditation programs are conducted on campus to help students maintain a healthy lifestyle. The center also provided healthy, nutritious meals to students for their balanced diet and physical fitness.
Growing up and in their early development stage, students tend to develop flustered feelings and thoughts. Our on-campus guides and faculty encourage students to openly talk about their doubts and gain solutions from their companions and people around. Professional student counselors help students with any issues or problems they face within or outside the campus.