A fresh start to every day
Activity- Prayer and meditation
Every morning students recite their daily prayers and begin their day. A pure environment filled with positive vibes refreshes and energizes them for the entire day.
Let's Assemble
Activity- Classwise Assembly
Students present news, thoughts, debates, quizzes, and speeches, daily in their classwise assembly. It enhances their public-speaking skills and helps them gain confidence on stage.
Learning the curriculum
Activity- Studying different subjects through interactive activities, gamification, field trips, and smart class.
We adopt various teaching methods to make learning fun, engaging, and interactive and provide an immersible experience for students.
Co-curricular activities
Activity- Various skill-enhancing exercises are conducted, such as music, debates, reading, quizzes, DIY activities, educational tours, and sports.
Students get a space to find and explore their interests and talents. During these fun activities, they learn the importance of team-building, teamwork, communication, and social and interpersonal skills.
Snack time
Activity- Eating and sharing homemade food
Students get energized for the second half of the day by taking a break and filling their tummies. We encourage students to bring homemade, healthy food that nourishes them.
Activity- Brief session with the class teacher for homework and summary for the day.
The class teacher reflects upon the day’s learning and briefs students about projects, homework, and subjects to study at home.
Love and respect for our country
Activity- Prayer and National Anthem
The students recite a prayer and then sing the national anthem with a feeling of pride and respect. This atmosphere inspires and motivates them to become a building block of our nation’s growth and development.
Morning Bells
Activity- Waking up and getting ready to move to the common ground for early morning activities.
Significance- Getting up early in the morning ensures an excellent start to the day. It helps begin our routine with a fresh, calm, positive mind that keeps us active and energetic throughout the day.
Beginning the day
Activity- Giving attendance to the warden and starting the morning activities.
Significance- Students daily practice meditation and sing shlokas in their morning prayers. It helps develop their lateral thinking abilities and access their untapped potential within.
Exercising to energize!
Activity- Practicing Yoga
Significance- Yoga supports positive well-being and develops self-awareness in children. With the help of Yoga every morning, students learn how to control their energy and increase their power of concentration.
A clean home is a happy home!
Activity- Taking a bath, making your bed and cleaning the room.
Significance- This daily activity inculcates a habit of keeping their surroundings clean before leaving the room every morning. Students begin their day happily as a neat and tidy environment is conducive to a calm and collected mind.
Activity- Getting dressed and going to the mess.
Significance- Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It helps us get ready for the day ahead. The menu is thoughtfully prepared with sprouts rich in protein, creamy milk and fruits from our organic farms. Our chefs pour in their hearts to prepare a meal that nourishes and energizes our students.
March to school
Activity- Walking to school through the green fields of our beautiful campus.
Significance- This walk helps students interact with their companions while basking in the sun and the freshness of our campus.
School begins!
Activity- Attending school.
Significance- Please refer to the day schoolers’ timeline for a detailed schedule.
Activity- Getting back from school and eating lunch.
Significance- After returning from lectures, a delicious and healthy lunch gives students an energy boost for the rest of the day. A complete nutrition-packed meal is vital for students to fill up with essential vitamins and minerals.
Additional classes from mentors
Activity- Extra classes are conducted for solving any queries or gaining guidance for projects from mentors.
Significance- Our students love this time of the day as they get to interact with their mentors and learn in-depth about various subjects. Having this support makes them more resilient both mentally and emotionally.
Play time!
Activity- Kids move to our dedicated sports grounds to play kabaddi, football, badminton, table tennis, horse-riding, archery, and chess as per their interests.
Significance- Physical activities help keep our body healthy and mind active. It develops moral values like sportsmanship, companionship, team-building and fair play among students.
Evening meet-up
Activity- Giving attendance and discussing current news and events.
Significance- Every evening, our wardens assemble the students first to discuss any challenges that the students are facing in the hostel and then to discuss current events and happenings around the globe quickly.
Activity- Completing homework, reading the newspaper and conversing with parents.
Significance- This part of the day has been effectively planned to utilize the time gap between their dinner and sleep, as per the necessary health guidelines. Moreover, it gives students the time to retrospect the entire day and spend some time with their companions or parents.
Global Mission International is proud to announce 100% result of its second batch of class.